Zakah Calculator

Assets Total Assets subject to Zakat (£) Assets not subject to Zakat (£)
Gold (Note there is pure 24 carats and Jewellery 22 - 18 - 14)
Silver (Note there is pure, Jewellery and Household)
Gold Coins
Cash in Hand
Cash in Bank
Stocks and Mutual Funds (at market value)
Stock Options
Business Merchandise Inventory
Private Companies, Corporations and Partnerships
Retirement Plans (yearly amount)
Real Estate Investment (as business merchandise inventory, e.g. 2 houses)
Immovable property acquired for Investment (and not to resell), whether company owned or privately owned
Accounts Receivable
Profits from Investment
Trusts (yearly amount)
Life Insurance
Lump Sum Payments (Compulsory Pension, etc.)
Severance Package
Loan account in companies - amount of income credited to loan account (excluding capital introduced)
Furniture and Household Effects
Motor Vehicles ( Not for Resale )
Diamonds and Precious Sts (Not for business)
Plant, Machinery, Fixtures and Fittings
Trade and Loan Debtors
Stamps, Paintings & Coins Collection
Deposits and Pledges

LIABILITIES Total Deductible Not-Deductible
Mortgage on House (Annually)
Bank Overdraft (to fund stocks and trade debtors only)
Trade Creditors
Instalment Sale and Lease Creditors to Fund Motor Vehicles/Plant and Equipment
Any other Liabilities incurred in respect of an asset on which Zakat is not payable
Shipping Loans to finance business merchandise and/or trade debtors
Income Tax / Vat

Total Value of Assets Subject to Zakat
Deduct Liabilities relating only to Assets subject to Zakat
Net Amount subject to Zakat:
ZAKAH = 2.5% x £ NET AMOUNT:

To DONATE Online Now: The Ahmed Ali Petkar Foundation (TAAP Foundation Registered Charity Number: 1144345) HSBC Bank Sort Code: 40-11-43 Account No: 51447777
Nisab Value Today Gold and Silver Price Today
Gold - 10th July 2017
Silver - 10th July 2017