Email Address
Suite 2A, Blackthorn House, St Pauls Square, Birmingham, B3 1RL
We as TAAP Foundation greatly rely on donations to help these underprivileged people. Your donations will go a long way to helping them lead better lives.
Our TAAP Foundation tries and makes donations as easy as possible for you. ***Our preference is that you donate through our T.A.A.P. Foundation Account for One-Off and Standing Order Payments directly to the charity account. This reduces our costs and makes administration easier. Only Use Stripe for DIRECT DEBITS. Please select your option below:
Please use your online bank account for instant transfer and standing orders. Please inform us, if you wish to, of the Donation by email to, after the transfer has been made. Thank you very much for your generous support. Your support does matter not just for the needy but also to develop the Charity and the work we are doing.
HSBC Bank Plc.
The Bridge,
West Midlands,
For UK Account Holders:
Account Name: The Ahmed Ali Petkar Foundation
Account Number: 51447777
Sort Code: 40-11-43
For International Transfer:
Branch Identifier Code: HBUKGB4119F
IBAN: GB96HBUK40114351447777
Privacy Policy: Our TAAP Foundation does not store credit card details, nor do we share our Donor’s details with any 3rd parties.
Please complete our contact form to get in touch with T.A.A.P Foundation based in Birmingham. If you would like to make donations, we accept PayPal payments, and you can also transfer directly to our charity bank account for T.A.A.P Foundation. Please see our donations page for more information and gift aid.