Our Mission - Our Values

We aspire to reach as many under privileged people and children as possible and provide them with the opportunities that help them succeed in their life.

We aim to provide support in the following areas:

Our Mission

Make World Happier

Basic Needs

1. Food Parcels
2. Clothing

Sponsorship and Care

1. Orphans
2. Elderly without any support circle

Basic Education

1. Primary education with a potential to expand into secondary education
2. Adult education

Water, Sanitation and Shelter

1. Wells and hand pumps for drinking water
2. Shelter for vulnerable and victims of conflict

Income Generation Project

1. Small business ideas that help a poor person to stand on his/her feet

Our Values

We believe every child has a right to obtain an education and to opportunities that help them to develop their knowledge, skills and personality traits. Having recognised that education is not available to all children, we aspire to reach as many under privileged children as possible and provide them with the educational opportunities that help them succeed in their life.

We also appreciate that many of these children come from very impoverished backgrounds and may need additional support, such as basic food and clothing, to continue with their education and that such support should be provided where necessary.

Our values reflect our mission and our work. They are based on:


We care passionately about people less fortunate than ourselves and want to do what we can to help them achieve a better life.


We aim to provide people with the tools to transform the quality of their lives.


We understand the importance of respecting and protecting the life and dignity of others, treating everyone the way we expect to be treated ourselves.


We give people a hand-up rather than a hand-out. We want to enable people to provide for themselves on a long-term basis.

How We Work

United Kingdom is home to diverse communities and people across the world have settled here. Many people in these communities have families and friends in other parts of the world. With our wider multicultural network, we connect to the wider global community.

We have strong connections in Africa and are aware of many areas that need help. In some cases, children live in overcrowded orphanages with little access to education. In other cases, children have to travel miles to reach school.

Once we have identified the area where our help is most needed, we work with the local community to understand the challenge better and then develop a specific solution that provides a long-term solution. Local partners and contractors are utilised for any building work. We cannot succeed without the involvement of the local community and partners. This is why we develop solutions in collaboration with the people on the ground.

We maintain our involvement even after the work is completed. This is to provide necessary guidance and governance and ensure that benefits are reaped continuously.